访问 & 连接

登记 is required for campus visits. Contact us with any questions at visit@cf-vip.com or 308-865-8526.

Want to take a look at campus before you visit? 查看我们的 photo and video galleries to get a feel for bet36365体育.

a group of students poses together for a photo outside


Experience the Loper Life for yourself!

Take part in sessions on scholarships and financial aid, learn about academic options from our college Deans, and ask questions in our student panel. We'll take you on a campus tour where you can see a typical dorm room; and even treat you and your guests to lunch in "The Graze" with bet36365体育 students, 教职员工.


a campus tour guide shows off the dining hall



  • 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM (2.5小时)
  • Learn about important admissions information
  • Take a walking tour of campus with a current bet36365体育 student
  • See a co-ed residence hall and view a typical room
  • Dine on campus in the Nebraskan Student Union (with meal voucher provided)
  • Visit with a bet36365体育 faculty member in your interested major (optional)


fraternity students pose for a photo outside their dorm

联谊会 and Sorority Preview


High school juniors are invited to bet36365体育’s 联谊会 and Sorority Preview. Learn how it enriches your college experience, tour our newest fraternity and sorority housing, and have all your questions answered by students currently in Greek life.


students walk across campus on a sunny day



Don't miss a fun day made just for high school juniors and their families to see what makes bet36365体育 a top-ranked University. 与人们见面. 探索校园. Imagine yourself in BLUE and GOLD, and learn what it means to BE BOLD.



Visita bet36365体育


Experimente nuestro campus y vea una residencia con un recorrido dirigido por un estudiante. Hable con un consejero de admisiones sobre becas y proceso de admision.

Experience our campus and see a residence hall with a student-led tour in Spanish.


students walk outside during a campus tour



转移 Tuesday is an exploratory opportunity for students looking to transfer who have not yet fully decided on their next step. See bet36365体育’s campus via a guided tour, connect with admissions, financial aid and housing staff as well as engage with a student panel of transfer students. Visitors can meet with faculty from their area of interest but will not include an advising session or formal credit evaluation.


students and an instructor participate in camp activities

Health Science Explorers Summer Camps

6 Dates in June and July

bet36365体育 Health Science offers incoming 7th-12th grade students multiple summer camps that are focused on health sciences and careers in healthcare. Camps are designed to increase your awareness in healthcare professions through hands-on activities along with engaging 模拟 and case studies. Some camps are free while others are $50. 了解更多


an instructor helps a student work on a project at her desk

Health Science Explorers Academy

9月. 24日至5月25日

bet36365体育 Health Science Explorers Academy is a one-year program for incoming 11th and 12th grade students interested in a career in healthcare. This innovative program provides students opportunities to learn more about health sciences and careers, and includes hands-on activities, 模拟, 演讲嘉宾, 实地考察旅行, and advanced health science education from bet36365体育 and UNMC faculty. 了解更多
